In Spanish!! Save the date, Lee Carroll & Kryon are coming!Join your spiritual family for aKryon Family Reunion
in Miami, Florida!!With Spanish Translation!!Hey there, have you heard? Lee Carroll & Kryon are coming to Miami for a highly energetic event to get you rewired, recharged and reconnected with your spiritual family
“The Best of Kryon”Up Close Seminar with Lee & KryonEvening Lemurian Sisterhood Circle with Dr Amber WolfSUNDAY SEMINAR
Lee’s classic “Up Close” seminar is packed with profound information from both past and present… and the future! He’ll give NEW info about DNA, describe the new paradigms for the Old Soul and explore the concept of reality as he reveals the secrets to creating good synchronicity in your life. And as always, you’ll experience the loving wisdom of Kryon during live channelings.
Dr. Amber Wolf invites you to reawaken your Divine Feminine Essence and activate your Lemurian DNA during this initiation into the Sacred Circle of the Lemurian Sisters.Come and be saturated in the love of spirit, surrounded by your spiritual family during a re-union like none other. Lee won’t be back for several years, so come get a hug from Spirit – and me, too!Loving Family HUGS!!Rosario Cobar
Kryon Host, Miami
Email | 786-473-8741
PS: Never been to a Kryon event? Call me, I’ll tell you about it!
LEE CARROLL, PhD is the original Kryon channel for this loving entity for 26 years worldwide. He’s the author of the Kryon Series of 18 books in 25 languages. Kryon books are well known in Metaphysics, making top seller lists within months of release. One of them, The Indigo Children, introduced the term “Indigo Children” to the world. Having presented seven times at the United Nations and in thirty three countries overseas, Lee’s events attract audiences in the thousands.
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